2 Apr 2013


The first part of this project was to deconstruct two garments of our choice. I chose two sheer chiffon blouses that had a lot of detail such as ribbon, lace, ruffles and buttons.  
For the project we were looking at semiotics - a study of signs. After deconstructing my garments, a word that came to mind was delicate. 
I had delicate in my head for a while and was thinking of objects/living things that were delicate. It came to me, coral reef!
Since then, I decided to look into coral reefs and chose to reconstruct my garments into my own coral reef. 

This is how it turned out. I used parts of the pink blouse and rolled them into tube like shapes, this was to replicate the anemone. I then used a polystyrene cone and wrapped a ruffle from one of the blouses around it to create an underwater plant called Lettuce Coral. Along the bottom (which isn't as visible because of the darkness) I gathered parts of the black blouse ruffles together to create flower like objects and sewed a pale pink button, into the middle to give it that flower look. I used the lining of the black blouse as the deep sea base.